html> Vulkan, Volcano Stromboli 2007 Photo, Video


Cinema Stromboli 

 Stromboli 2005&2007


Gif animations



by Martin Rietze

On the 27.02.07 a large explosion took place at Stromboli volcano, causing subsidence of the Eastern part of the crater terrace at just above 600m. Shortly afterwards, two effusive fissures opened below the collapsed terrace at an altitude of approximately 400 and 500m. Over a short period, large quantities of lava were emitted from these vents, resulting in the formation of a delta at the base of the Sciara del Fuoco.

 Stromboli  2005


by R.Roscoe

by Martin Rietze

 ©2007 by M.Rietze, last modification 6.1.2009, webmaster/design boeckel

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